You know after you've had that 30inch weave sewn in feeling laid and slayed then it's time to take it out and you're like "how am I going to manage this!?!" You could get a help in hand...
BUT, here's some tips on how to SAFELY remove your weaves yourself.
Use a mirror - this will help you to see so you can make sure you're cutting the thread and not your canerowed hair.
Use small scissors - for example nail scissors. These are small and will allow you to get in between the tracks easily to cut the thread.
Cut the thread - always ensure that you're cutting the thread and not your hair. You can use the mirror and your fingers to help guide you.
Pull tracks - as you're cutting the thread the weave tracks will naturally fall away from the canerows. You can guide this by gently pulling the tracks away from the canerows as you cut the thread.
You can watch this video on how to remove your weaves yourself!